Monday, February 8, 2016

Christmas 2015

Do you know what makes me happy? When I can complete a holiday set of layouts and actually like them! For some reason I struggle with theme layouts. I purchased Lemoncraft Christmas paper for a Christmas card swap I was in and had lots of leftovers. They just happen to match my pictures perfectly so I scrapped our Christmas using it. I also found some nice Teresa Collins paper trim and die cut flowers that ended up matching nicely with the paper. I do not like "matchy matchy" scrapbook pages. To me it reminds me of those Avon jewelry sets! Not my thing at all. 
 It never fails that I end up with a hodge podge of pictures that have to be scrapbooked, but really don't go together other than they were taken on the same day. I refuse to ever dedicate more than one page in my scrapbook for those and usually end up not liking the layout I do for them. Well, not this time! I really like this page! I think it is super cute and pulls them all together :-)
 This actually was the set of pictures that I started out with to scrapbook. It is our Christmas Eve tradition and I like each of these photos because they showcase the evening perfectly. I found a fun sketch on pintrest that I used to complete the layout. Once again, the die cut flowers came in handy! I simply inked the edges, crumpled them up and put them on a brad. So simple, yet so pretty.
 And this...this right here is by far my very favorite set of pictures from Christmas. My son finally got from his grandparents the latest and greatest DS. They tricked him and put it in a pop corn bin with the bagged pop corn on top of it. He opened the bin and was like "Oh cool! Popcorn! Thank you very much." and he started watching other people open presents. Grandma told him he better take a second look and this is what happened:
PRICELESS! It is times in which you capture a moment so perfectly that make all the time you spend on saving, scrapping and documenting worth it.

Until next time -- Happy Scrappy!

1 comment:

  1. so pretty!! i miss scrapping, but i'm so far behind now i don't know how i'd ever catch up. HA
