Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I Have Been Tagged!

So, I have been tagged by Barb! Here goes:

TAG-You're it

The "rules" of the game are as follows:
1. Post the rules on your blog.
2. Write 6 random things about yourself.
3. Tag 6 people at the end of your post.
4. If you're tagged, DO IT and pass on the tag

Write six random things about yourself...

1) I was once on a TV Makeover segment on a local channel.
2) I eat breakfast every day.
3) I don't bake well (except for Grandma's carrot cake and brownies and I make some excellent frosting)
4) I let my kids climb in bed and sleep with me whenever their little hearts desire.
5) I love the smell after it rains.
6) I am addicted to the old 90210

Friday, September 19, 2008

Christmas in Sept!

This year for Christmas I am going to use my stash! My family seems to like these types of gifts better than anything else, so I am gonna take advantage of the cheapness of it all! LOL!

This is the calender I made for my Mom. It was an odd size (6.5 by 15), but I think it turned out OK. I have not added pictures to it yet, but you can see where they will go! My favorite pages are April, May and June. The reason May has a Birthday cake is because it is my Mom's Birthday month. The last five months are out of order. Sorry! TFL and leave me some love (comment)! :-))))

Christmas Gift for Mom!

Here are the last five pages for my Mom's calender.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Chrstmas Cards and Two LO!

I have not fallen of the face of the earth. I have been busy with some other stuff, but I have been busy in my scrap room. The first three pics are of the cards I made for Ryann's Christmas card swap!

This card is for the Righteous person!

This card is for the Sinner. Hey, at least it is not Jesus on the surf board!

Finally this is for the Politically Correct.

Brothers was done using the sketch Marinka posted a few weeks back. I know I missed the deadline to upload it, but here it is anyways. The paper is cosmo cricket. My boys and their green hair. Hulk lives on!

Tara's Challenge was to create a Layout about my Inner strength, so I did one on my ability to stand back up when I am knocked down. I used Sugarland's song as my journal because it was better than anything I could come up with. It just stated it well. In fact, I just realized that the song is in my music list on the blog! If you want to hear it just click on the Sugarland song!

Thanks so much for peeking and stopping by. Now leave me some love! :-)